What is Xtapes.to?
Xtapes.to is a mix between a porn tube style site and an aggregator site. This site offers video clips from over 10 different premium paid porn sites. They also link out to premium paid sites as well. Most of the content found on this site is professional porn star video footage. The most popular categories on this site include Anal, Asian, Big Cock, Blowjobs, and Castings.
What Does Xtapes.to Cost?
This tube style site is 100% free. They do offer links that take you to premium porn sites that would require a credit card and a membership to view the content.
Pros Of Xtapes.to
The best part about this site is the categories section. Having all the content be from professional premium sites but sorted out by different niches is a rare find. They have a great Anal section as well as a large collection in their Blowjobs category.
Cons Of Xtapes.to
Some of the videos take a long time to load up. There are a lot of ads displayed on this site. Some of the ads can be distracting when searching for the content you are looking for.
How popular is X Tapes?
8 Million People Use X Tapes Each Month. Furthermore, X Tapes is the 565th most popular adult website in the world.
Is X Tapes safe to use?
We've checked with the most reputable security providers to gauge how safe xtapes.to is to use.
Security Provider |
Is X Tapes safe? |
Google Safe Browsing | Safe |
Norton Safe Web | Safe |
Sucuri Labs | Safe |
Yandex | Safe |
Spamhaus | Safe |