What is VJav.com?
There is nothing sexier than a filthy Asian slut stripped naked and grinding on a big cock, and VJav.com is home to some of the hottest porn videos on the entire internet. With Asian girls of all shapes and sizes VJav.com has something for everyone, no matter their taste.
How Much is VJav.com?
VJav.com is a 100% free site for the most amazing hardcore XXX videos of Asian sluts. No membership fee or credit card information is required for users to browse the huge selection of Asian sluts doing some seriously degrading sex acts.
Best Categories
The top category at VJAv.com is the teen category featuring some of the hottest teen sluts over the age of 18, these sluts are all verified over 18 and are a favorite amongst users. The bush category is also a favorite of users, with the natural Asian bush Jav girls are known for.
How popular is V JAV?
27 Million People Use V JAV Each Month. Furthermore, V JAV is the 210th most popular adult website in the world.
Is V JAV safe to use?
We've checked with the most reputable security providers to gauge how safe vjav.com is to use.
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Is V JAV safe? |
Google Safe Browsing | Safe |
Norton Safe Web | Safe |
Sucuri Labs | Safe |
Yandex | Safe |
Spamhaus | Safe |
How old is V JAV?
V JAV (vjav.com) was launched 18 years ago on Monday, 08 January 2007.